

I.              Purpose: Enumeration of Total Plate count in Animal feed, Bakery and Confectionery products, Hard boiled sugar confectionery, Candies, Gum base, Chewing and Bubble gum, Bread Honey and Honey products, Food additives, Preservatives and antioxidants, Gums, Fruits and vegetables products, Canned fruits, Dried fruits and vegetables powder, Industrial cultures (Bakers yeast), Fruits & vegetable products, Beverages, Milk, Sweetened milk, Dairy products, cereals and pulses, malt extract, wheat flour, energy food, flour products, meat and meat products, snacks, processed foods etc.
II.         Reference:
1.    IS: 5402:2002/ ISO 4833:1991
2.    IS: 10232:2003/ ISO: 6887:1999
3.    USFDA-BAM Chapter 3
III.        Apparatus and Equipment
Oven (Dry sterilization), Autoclave (wet sterilization), Water bath (45°C ± 0.5°C), Incubator  (30°C), Incubator (35°C), Total delivery pipette (1ml), Colony counter, pH meter, petridishes 90mm, test tubes, flasks or bottles.
IV.        Media/Reagents
1.    Plate count agar
2.    Phosphate Buffer
V.         Procedure
1.    Weigh 25 g or 10 g of sample in 225 ml or 90 ml of sterilized phosphate buffer (IS: 15188) using a sterile spatula.
2.    Serially dilute the sample and plate in replica within 15 min.  In case of liquid samples, pipette out directly 1ml of sample.
3.    Pour 10 to 15 ml of PCA Agar  (45 °C ± 0.5°C); mix well by rotating clock wise and anticlock wise.  Let the mixture stand till solidified and then place inverted plates (not more than 4 in one pile) at 30 ± 1°C for 72 hr ± 3hr. However, as per BAM procedure, incubate the plates at 35°C for 48 ± 2hr
VI (A). Calculation performed (BIS method)
Count the isolated visible colonies using colony counter, the colonies in each plate containing not more than 300 colonies.

a) General case- Petridishes containing between 15 and 300 colonies
Retain dishes containing not more than 300 colonies at two consecutive dilutions. It is necessary that one of these dishes contain at least 15 colonies.
Calculate the number N of microorganisms per milliliter or per gram of product, using the following equation:

                       N  =

(n1 + 0.1 n2) x d         
C = Sum of colonies counted on all the dishes retained
n1   = number of dishes retained in the first dilution
n2   = number of dishes retained in the second dilution
d     = dilution factor corresponding to the first dilution
Round the result calculated to two significant figures.
b)    Estimation of small numbers
If the two dishes, contains less than 15 colonies calculate the arithmetic mean m of the colonies counted on both dishes. Report the result as follows:
- Estimated number of microorganisms per milliliter
NE = m (liquid products)
-Estimated number of microorganisms per gram:
-          NE = m x d-1 (other products), where d is the dilution factor of the initial suspension.
c)    No colonies
If the two dishes corresponding to the test sample (liquid products) or the initial suspension (other products) contain no colonies, report the result as follows:
- Not detected where the detection limit is more than 1 cfu/ml in case of liquid samples and more than 10 cfu / gram in case of solid samples.

VI.   (B) Calculation performed (BAM method)

Normal plates (25-250):
Select spreader free plate(s). Count all colony-forming units. Record dilution (s) used and calculate the aerobic plate count using the formula given above.
All Plates with more than 250 colonies:
Record the count as Too Numerous To Count (TNTC). When plates from two dilutions yield more than 250 cfu each but fewer than 100/cm2, estimate the aerobic counts from the plates (EAPC) and multiply by dilution factor.


Ø  Chain of colonies, not too distinctly separated that appears to be caused by disintegration
Ø  One that develops in a film of water between agar and bottom of dish
Ø  One that develops in a film of water at edge or on surface of agar
If the area covered by spreaders including total area of repressed growth exceeds 50 % of plate area, report plates as spreaders. When it is necessary to count, count each chain as a single colony and each source as one colony. Combine the spreader count and compute APC (Aerobic plate count).
Plates with no CFU
When plates from all dilutions have no colonies, report APC as less than 1 times the corresponding lower dilution.
Laboratory accident
When plate(s) from a sample known to be contaminated or otherwise satisfactory, record the results as laboratory accident.
All Plates with fewer than 25 CFU
When plates from both dilutions yield fewer than 25 CFU each, record actual plate count and expressed the count as less than 25 x 1/d when d is the dilution factor for the dilution from which the first counts were observed.

VII.       Remark:
Limits specified as per the specifications.

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